Just a lazy Sunday

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With success being my Ultimate Goal, I have to first define what success means in my mind. So to be a success, this person must become a person who is continuing to grow emotionally, spiritually, in their relationships with family, friends and strangers. Be a contributor to everybody and everything that enters their realm. Totally successful financially by gaining ultimate financial freedom. Totally successful in business and career. Living a lifestyle admired by many. Success is somebody who is also totally in tune with their personal fitness, health and well-being. Someone who has profound knowledge, continuously learning and somebody who never settles for anything less than they deserve. Committing themselves 100% towards every outcome they desire. Constantly achieving and improving in EVERY area of their life. Taking all actions necessary to achieve all of the above and enjoying the process.
My page is a tool to help me achieve my Ultimate Goal. Every day I will answer the same 5 Questions. Every week I will write a journal entry summarising my life during the week. I will also periodically give you, the reader, an insight into certain areas of my life. So please, enjoy my posts, feel free to replicate the process. My journey starts now with these 5 Questions...
1. What did I learn today?
2. What improvements have I made?
3. What did I contribute today?
4. What did I enjoy?
5. What actions have I taken towards achieving my Ultimate Goal?
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