With success being my Ultimate Goal, I have to first define what success means in my mind. So to be a success, this person must become a person who is continuing to grow emotionally, spiritually, in their relationships with family, friends and strangers. Be a contributor to everybody and everything that enters their realm. Totally successful financially by gaining ultimate financial freedom. Totally successful in business and career. Living a lifestyle admired by many. Success is somebody who is also totally in tune with their personal fitness, health and well-being. Someone who has profound knowledge, continuously learning and somebody who never settles for anything less than they deserve. Committing themselves 100% towards every outcome they desire. Constantly achieving and improving in EVERY area of their life. Taking all actions necessary to achieve all of the above and enjoying the process.

My page is a tool to help me achieve my Ultimate Goal. Every day I will answer the same 5 Questions. Every week I will write a journal entry summarising my life during the week. I will also periodically give you, the reader, an insight into certain areas of my life. So please, enjoy my posts, feel free to replicate the process. My journey starts now with these 5 Questions...

1. What did I learn today?

2. What improvements have I made?

3. What did I contribute today?

4. What did I enjoy?

5. What actions have I taken towards achieving my Ultimate Goal?

Who Am I Really?

Tue. 22 June, 2010

1 Learn. Check out my Who Am I page. I learnt that if I generalise my answers to that question then I get a whole list of attributes to go along with that answer. For example: If I believe in my heart that who I am is a professional basketball player, when I dunk on somebody and they ask me why I did that, my reply would be "because im a professional basketball player and it's what I do". What else do professional basketball players do? Why limit my brain into thinking that I'm just another player. It seems like semantics, but if I can believe it then why can't I do it?

2 Improve. So I made some generalisations about who I want to become. Check them out on my Who Am I? page.

3 Contibute. This distinction is a very powerful tool to condition your mind into believing in your capabilities. Therefore I'm making you use it right now. Make a list, think of the person you want to become, be general, you look at my page for inspiration. When you believe that's who you are then you get a whole set of new behaviours and take actions you might of never taken before. If you change who you believe you are now, your goals that seemed out of reach will be closer than ever. That is my contribution to you.

4 Enjoy. No basketball today! Tuesday night basketball is over for the season after the loss in the final last week. I've been so busy lately that a day with no basketball is actually pleasurable. Just relaxing and doing a little bit of work is just what I needed.

5 Action. I spent a bit of time working on my calendar. Getting my life organised. I also advertised this blog onvarious sites. Technorati was one. I'm also creating a lens on Squidoo about my blog. Going to try and Lift my Twitter (follow me!) profile soon and working on the facebook page which will soon be just as big as this blog. Tomorrow I'm going to try change the look of this blog. Hopefully make it a bit more appealing.

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